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How does foam packaging machinery work in the circulation field?


Foam packaging is not easy for foam machinery to enter the circulation field, and it also has necessary conditions. The main means of achieving packaging is through packaging machinery. The development of the times has brought about technological progress, and packaging machinery has also played a role in the circulation field, and EPS foam machinery has become more and more important. Traditional foam packaging machinery mostly adopts mechanical control, such as cam distribution shaft type, and later electronic control, photoelectric control, pneumatic control and other control forms appeared in foam packaging.
Today, with the continuous development of productivity, the parameters of packaging are also constantly changing randomly. It is conceivable that today’s control system is becoming more and more difficult to meet the development needs of the new situation. As a new technology, foam packaging has led to the birth of mechatronics. Moreover, foam packaging will completely change the current situation of packaging machinery, and it is believed that it will appear in front of us with a new attitude in the future.

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