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Home - News - Pour the “V” trend of the styrene market, EPS is unbearable pain!

Pour the “V” trend of the styrene market, EPS is unbearable pain!


After entering the fourth quarter of 2020, the EPS market has shown a clear “V” trend, and prices have risen and fallen rapidly, constantly testing the pressure-bearing ability of industry insiders. After the National Day holiday until the beginning of November, the EPS market price fluctuated upwards, smoothly breaking through the 9,000 yuan/ton mark, and the overall increase was 1,700 yuan/ton, an increase of about 21.52%. From November 10 to November 16, the price of EPS rose rapidly in just one week, breaking through the 10,000 yuan mark and even rising to more than 11,000 yuan/ton. It once hit a high point in the year, and the overall increase was 1,900 yuan/ton, an increase of approximately 19.79%. From November 17 to November 25, the EPS market instantly fell into a downward channel, and the overall decline was 1,500 yuan/ton, a decrease of about 13.04%. In the past three months, the price of styrene has been adjusted repeatedly and the disk is volatile and unpredictable. It has given our industry a continuous “surprise”. However, EPS said that it could not bear it. Can only be forced by helplessness, pressure adjustment

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