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Quality identification method of foam plastic machinery material eps board


The idea of putting forward a construction report is also necessary. In the face of the current messy and disordered exterior wall insulation market, how should I distinguish the quality of eps board insulation materials in the selection of insulation materials?
Regarding the method of distinguishing the quality of eps board of foam plastic machinery materials, we can distinguish it from the following two aspects.
1.eps board color
Judging from the color of cotton, can it be the same, and whether there are different white and yellow. On the one hand, the participation system is inevitable for the development of the employee shareholding system, and then whether the glue is evenly distributed and whether there are glue blocks. The slag content, is it possible to see many large slag with the naked eye? It may be good, but like writing, it is the same color, yellow, the glue is evenly distributed, and the cotton is thin, and there is not much slag on it with the naked eye. Generally speaking, there is not much modification.
2.eps board bulk density
The bulk density of qualified eps board is usually 120~130kg/cubic.

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