Hangzhou Epsole Machinery Co.,Ltd.


Home - News - The geofoam has the scientific name of expanded polystyrene (EPS)

The geofoam has the scientific name of expanded polystyrene (EPS)


The geofoam has the scientific name of expanded polystyrene (EPS). A block of EPS is made from particles of polystyrene through an expanding and melting process in an automatic mold machine by adding steam. The geofoam construction method employs large EPS blocks with unit weights between 16 and 40 kg/m3.

In the 1970s, the use of EPS as a lightweight embankment in highway and earthwork developed concurrently in the United States and Norway. Most notably, in 1972, the Norwegian Road Research Laboratory placed geofoam in the approach fill of the Flom Bridge. The advantages of this construction method are that geofoam can be used not only to replace ground fill material but also to reduce the load applied to the foundation.

The versatility, flexibility, convenience and efficiencies EPS geofoam has brought to multiple construction applications has helped to transform the industry in many different aspects. Not only has it acted as a superior alternative fill material, but its physical properties and attributes have also helped pave the way to innovation and enabled architects, construction contractors, builders, engineers and landscape designers to keep up with the latest trends within their respective industries.


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