Hangzhou Epsole Machinery Co.,Ltd.


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What are the benefits of using expanded polystyrene?


EPS is a perfect alternative product when you want to use wood, felt, rubber, or fiberglass. You can replace your raw materials with expanded polystyrene and never worry if the quality will depreciate because it will become even better.

EPS can be molded and shaped into any form that you like. Using a different type of equipment, you will be able to cut and shape the EPS foam and materialize your visuals.

It is an ideal product to use for packaging because it can resist shocks, as much as it can resist water or any other outside elements.

 with our accumulated knowledge and years of experience, we have already gained a position in the market that says a lot about our differential advantage, compared to other EPS manufacturers. We aim to continue being the leader when it comes to EPS manufacturing.

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